"Bobbi is the best, very informative as well as enthusiastically delivered."


Workshop Topics

Our trainings give your teams the chance to learn new skills and get their hands dirty putting them into practice so that they leave with new perspectives and the ability to put them into action. Some of our most popular content covers topics such as:



Help your staff see data as a tool for providing better service.

  • Connecting the dots between your strategy, your work, and your data

  • How to dive into your data without drowning

  • Soft skills required to lead data-driven efforts

  • Bringing more equity to your evaluations


Expose your team to the tools and actions that create a more proactive culture.

  • Growing creativity and innovation in your organization

  • How to “fail forward”

  • Tools that help you break down and tackle big problems


When every individual works up to their potential, the whole team rises.

  • Using your personal strengths to succeed

  • Setting your goals on F.I.R.E.



Get your staff to step out of their job descriptions and into your customers’ shoes.

  • Why great customer service isn’t enough

  • What current consumer trends tell us about today’s customers

  • Designing exceptional experiences with customer journey mapping

  • How 2020 has changed us as customers


Learn the science and techniques behind the skills we all need every day to succeed.

  • Smart moves for successful projects

  • How to plan through uncertainty

  • The art of gaining consensus and getting things down

  • How to move your messaging from information to inspiration

  • How to teach and train without lectures


 What are the trainings like?

"It really sparked something in me...You may have created a data junkie in me as I suddenly came up with multiple ideas and conversations that I feel the need to have with staff about some of their metrics."
Terry Wolf
Superintentdent of Buildings & Grounds
Park Ridge Park District

Our training philosophy is simple. It starts not with what we can teach you while we're there, but instead what you want to accomplish once we're gone.  This desire for action and long-lasting change (and to help you create and sustain it) is the underlying theme of all of our trainings.

Luckily, no-nonsense practical advice doesn't have to mean boring. With a background in recreation, we understand the art of learning through play. In presentations given across the country, our workshop attendees have built with LEGOs, conducted science experiments, played customized board games, and other interactive activities to drive home key learning objectives in fun and memorable ways. 


How long are your workshops?

Although we’re not believers that longer is always better, the fact is that group trainings are often the only time that teams carve out of their busy schedules to stop, take a breath, think about, and discuss the topics that are critical towards moving your organization forward. People don’t necessarily hate long workshops—they hate long, boring, unengaging workshops that don’t feel applicable to their own work and goals. We are always happy to work with you to customize a workshop to your needs and timeframe, but encourage you to realize that devoting some extra time can result in bigger walls being broken down, increased collaboration, and an opportunity to walk out of the workshop with some actual work being initiated, whether in-person or in a virtual setting. Based on our experience with teams across the country, here’s what you can realistically expect from a few popular workshop lengths:


1-1.5 HOURS

Your team will learn some new concepts, see things in a new light, and start the important process of thinking about how the training can be applied on the job.


2.5-4 HOURS

Beyond getting exposed to new ideas, your team will also get the chance to actually practice putting them into action through hands-on activities in order to get comfortable and gain confidence in using them on the job.


1-2 DAYS (or multiple, shorter sessions)

Your team not only gets to learn and practice new concepts, but will have the time and space to dig deeper, working through struggles and challenges in a safe space, and come up with an action plan so that they can hit the ground running after the workshop is over.